Post-Treatment Care for Hemorrhoids
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Hemorrhoids, or piles, are swollen veins in the anus and lower rectum that can cause discomfort, pain, and bleeding. While many cases go undetected, gastroenterologists and proctologists work with many patients to deliver exceptional hemorrhoid treatment and hemorrhoid prevention strategies. Hemorrhoids can range from mild discomfort to severe with increased pain and bleeding.
As treatments range from changes in lifestyle to hemorrhoid ligation via banding, treating hemorrhoids goes beyond a one-and-done procedure. Here, we will explore some of the recommended ways to care for hemorrhoids post-treatment and how you can prevent them in the future.
How Hemorrhoids Develop
Hemorrhoids develop when there is an increase in pressure on the veins in the anus and lower rectum area. When pressure from prolonged sitting, straining during bowel movements, obesity, or pregnancy increases the body’s pressure on the lower rectum, blood begins to pool in the veins, causing swelling and the formation of hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids can be either internal or external. Internal hemorrhoids develop inside the rectum and are often painless but may bleed. In contrast, external hemorrhoids form under the skin around the anus and can be itchy, painful, and may bleed.
While lifestyle changes, high-fiber diets, and strain reduction provide valuable remediation of hemorrhoids, age plays a massive factor in hemorrhoids. As tissues weaken with age, rectal veins become more susceptible to swelling, increasing the odds of hemorrhoid development. Treating hemorrhoids early on and utilizing proper post-treatment care can help to add an extra layer of prevention and ensure that your hemorrhoids do not worsen over time.
Common Treatments for Severe Hemorrhoids
Researchers estimate that over half of Americans experience mild hemorrhoids at some point in their lives, while roughly one-third of Americans require medical treatment for severe hemorrhoids. High fiber diet, avoiding straining during bowel movements and avoiding prolonged sitting, are excellent forms of treatment for minor hemorrhoids. However, severe hemorrhoids often require a higher level of medical care, requiring a specialist, to perform specific medical procedures such as:
Hemorrhoidectomy: Hemorrhoidectomies involve removing the hemorrhoids entirely by cutting them off. While this is the most effective treatment for severe hemorrhoids, it can often be more painful and require a longer overall recovery time than other procedures.
Hemorrhoid Band Ligation: Gastroenterologists use tools to place tiny rubber bands around the base of the hemorrhoid. By cutting off the blood supply, hemorrhoids shrink and wither before falling off. As a minimally invasive procedure, hemorrhoid band ligation is much more comfortable and painless than old-fashioned clamping procedures.
Sclerotherapy: During sclerotherapy, a gastroenterologist injects a chemical solution into the hemorrhoids to shrink them. While commonly used for external hemorrhoids, sclerotherapy does not completely eliminate hemorrhoids and needs to be repeated multiple times to see results.
Treating Hemorrhoids After Your Procedure
Regardless of your recommended form of hemorrhoid treatment, post-treatment care is paramount in ensuring quick healing and recovery while preventing the development of future hemorrhoid cases. After your treatment, hygiene, pain management, and preventative lifestyle adjustments are the keys to successful hemorrhoid removal and serve as the basis for your post-treatment care.
Hygiene and Cleanliness
After your procedure, it is typical for your rectum and anus to be extremely sensitive and tender. While it is safe to continue passing bowel movements, remain mindful of any sensitive areas that you may feel. After a bowel movement, avoid irritants, harsh toilet paper, or cleansers. Using soft fragrance-free wipes or a gentle water spray to clean the anal area ensures a clean and hygienic anus for proper healing.
Pain Management
If the anal area is still tender, using a sitz bath with warm water can help to soothe inflammation and promote healing. If approved by your gastroenterologist, over-the-counter ointments containing lidocaine or benzocaine can help numb the affected areas, while medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen help alleviate pain and inflammation.
Lifestyle Adjustments
Incorporating plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains into your diet can help prevent constipation and straining during bowel movements. Because strain is the biggest perpetrator of hemorrhoid development, eating a proper high-fiber diet and facilitating bowel movements through regular physical activity help to minimize hemorrhoid recurrence.
Preventing Recurrence After Hemorrhoid Treatment
While hemorrhoid treatments aim to alleviate symptoms and prevent recurrence, persistent unhealthy lifestyle factors can undermine these efforts. Once you heal and return to your regular activities, remember to be mindful of your body and take extra measures to reduce strain and stress. Taking stool softeners to facilitate smooth bowel movements and making accommodations for strain reduction, such as using a toilet stool, are great ways to minimize internal strain from time spent on the toilet.
If you participate in any sports or work-related tasks involving heavy lifting, consider working with a physical therapist or personal trainer to readjust how you lift or move heavy objects. A therapist may recommend moving straps, wrist wraps, or other assistive devices if the strain persists. Reducing overall strain throughout your body is imperative in ensuring proper healing post-treatment and preventing the recurrence of hemorrhoids over time.
Relieve Hemorrhoid Pain With Dr. Ernest Castro, M.D.
While treatment alleviates current symptoms, preventive measures are essential for long-term relief. By adopting healthy lifestyle habits and addressing underlying factors for hemorrhoid development, you can reduce your chances of experiencing future hemorrhoids and continue living a pain-free and comfortable life.
Whether you’re recovering from hemorrhoid removal or are weighing the options for hemorrhoid treatment, Dr. Castro and his team of experts are prepared to offer the highest quality of care. Specializing in rubber band ligation, Dr. Castro provides a fast, painless, and minimally invasive solution to hemorrhoid removal. Please visit our website or call us at (720) 868-3111 to request an appointment.